Tracing movement with light


Noa Liber

Rounded Stage

The round stage is open and gives the feeling of an endless world.  Its placed instead of the bridge itself, and connecting to the lower stage (the horizontal)

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Rounded stage - not created yet

Rounded stage - not ceated yet

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The Horizontal Stage

The people are the show – their movement, their behavior, the intersections between them, whats make them cross each other. If  so, perhaps they need a place to act, a site to apply the need to observe and be observed, to perform.

Dealing with this kind of space,and the way it functions as a virtual space, placed the opportunity to generate a stage. This one is the horizontal stage. Its connecting between two sides, its enables the users to cross, to meet, to watch, to glance, to perform. The horizontal lines appears as streets, as roads, as connection. Its reflectivity,  another component, implies that the stage was build to imitate the realty, to remind the city. The stage is an urban performance.

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Working on the New Site

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Generating Stages

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The center is the stage, the dancer, the performance, the movement. The audience is watching the stage, at first its empty. The choreography is developing through the rhythm of the music. The composition is changing, and the tension between the performance and the audience is built.

On stage, movement is taking place. It is a condition for the stage existence, and stage is also a condition for the movement to exist. Light is also a part of the performance. It defines both the stage and the movement. It allows visualizing, remembering and capturing the movement. It is the way of tracing the movement. The movement can be seen only when it has a source of light, and it vanishes when there is none. The light traces are the movement new language.

On Namir Bridge site, movement exists on few different places, leaves traces. On each place which movement exists, stage generates, thus there are many.

Since there are many stages in many different places on the same time, one is no longer centered. Now nothing distinguishes between the stage and the audience, the performer and the viewer. The border is unstable. The stage is now an open space, so it becomes unclear who is the performer and who is the audience, who is observed by whom.

How does it effect one another, how does it make them behave?  How does it affect the space atmosphere? How does this space look like?

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Stage Model

A stage created from the site


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Mid presentation

mid presentation

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Visual and not visual movement

These images are a comparison between the real existing movement and the one I can capture. It appears that only a source of light will help the moving population to be seen.

According to my mapping, there are five main movement areas. But on the “visual movement space”, movement existing only on the bridge itself.

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